Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Youth Group Outreach

“The King will reply,‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"Matthew 25:40

As the youth group has read and discussed the book "Crazy Love" for the past several weeks, we've been motivated by God's crazy love for us to extend that love to others. One practical way we want to show God's love this Christmas season is by distributing Christmas Care Packages to a few families in our communities in need. Each care package will contain food, paper products, toiletries, some holiday items, and the gospel.  

From now until December 17th, the youth group in collaboration with Food For Families is collecting donations for the care packages. Please consider spending just a little extra this week to purchase some of the following items: 
  • tins of ham
  • boxes of candy canes
  • canned vegetables
  • canned fruit
  • boxed mashed potatoes
  • tea, coffee, hot chocolate
  • Christmas goodies, such as nuts, pretzels, chocolates
  • pasta
  • cereal
  • boxed cookie mixes
  • personal care items, such as shampoo, soap, and toothpaste
  • Christmas napkins, paper plates, cups 
  • facial tissue, toilet paper
Please bring your donations to church on the 11th and place them in the Food For Families hamper in the foyer and the tote in the cry room, or bring your donations to your mid-week small group (most likely, someone from your small group will be working at the church during the week, and could deliver your donations for you). 

Thank you for partnering with us to bring the gospel to our communities! 

Brian and Emily Conley, and the Southeast Valley Baptist Church Youth Group

"If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:15,16

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Party!

Friday, December 16, 2011 will be the annual Youth Group Christmas party! We will meet at the Conley's house starting at 6:30!

Plan on bringing a white elephant gift from home ($5 value limit) to exchange! Also, bring your best singing voice as we will go caroling around the neighborhood! Each family please bring a desert to share.

Parents feel free to join in on the activities! We would love to have you! Everyone is welcome to stay as long as you want but parents please let your kids know when you want them home or when you will pick them up.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What does it look like to have idols?

 I read these questions a few weeks ago on my friend Natalie's blog. We've been talking about idols now and then, so I thought you might like these questions. 

"If you want deep intimacy with God, He will eventually uproot your idols. He will mess with you. But it's all for your greater good. He's after your joy even more than you or I want. And I know it doesn't fell good, and at times it feels like your in wrestling match, or have been abandoned, but trust me on this, He loves you, and He knows what's best for you.

"David Powilson, offers these questions to uncover what may be an idol in your heart, which I thought were great...

What am I most afraid of?
What do I long for passionately?
What do I run to for comfort?
What do I complain about the most?
What angers me the most?
What makes me the happiest?
How do I explain myself to others?
What has caused me to be angry with God?
What do I brag about?
What do I want to control?
What comfort do I treasure the most?
Whose approval to I seek?
If I could change one thing in my life, what would it be?
Who do I sacrifice the most for in my life?
What do I want to have more than anything else?"

What do you think? Is there anything that comes to your mind that God might be telling you is time to let go?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Coming September 11th!

In case you didn't get the email: 

First, we want to apologize for the very short notice last week when the youth group sang special music. Through a mistake, we were planning for the wrong Sunday. Second, thank you so much for being flexible! We were so impressed when we arrived on Sunday morning for practice to see all the teens ready and waiting. We feel privileged to serve such dedicated teens and parents! 

The recent time changes and adjustments to the services and programs at Southeast Valley Baptist have given us the opportunity to evaluate the current youth group schedule and implement some changes of our own.  

  • ·         We have decided to keep youth group on Sunday nights since that time seems to work best for everyone.
  • ·         But, we will move the time back to 6:30 pm to give everyone a chance to eat dinner and drive to the church.
  • ·         We will combine the youth group midweek small group with the way Sunday nights were before into one Sunday night session. As a result, Sunday nights will run a little longer, until 8:30 pm.
  • ·         We will start at 6:30 pm. with a game or activity, followed by a praise and worship, and ending with the teaching time. 

Attached to this email is a new calendar for youth group events for the rest of this year, September through December 2011. You'll see that the time changes for Sunday School and Youth Group have been incorporated, as well as a new schedule for activities. Our plan is to have one opportunity for outreach and one fun night every month. The outreach projects are on the first Saturday, and the fun nights are on the third Saturday of every month. 

In other news, during the month of September we will begin reading and discussing the book “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan. If you are unfamiliar with Francis Chan’s ministry or “Crazy Love,” check out the synopsis, introductory video, and even download the table of contents and chapter of the book on the crazy love book website. Please pray with us for God to use this study to change us for His glory.

Expect another email soon with details about the upcoming outreach opportunity for September!

In Christ,
Brian and Emily Conley

P.S. If Sunday night really isn’t going to work for you, talk to us about it. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Three Insights From The Psalms

Today's post is from our very own Jeremy T. 

Over the past few months, I’ve read through the book of Psalms, and I’d like to share some of the BIG HUGE points that have really stuck out to me. 

I see 3 big chunks. The first is to focus on God as the one who is our refuge, strength, comfort and shelter, and who has unfailing love for His children. So, it gives us the info.

The second is the psalmist in trouble. His enemies surround him and are trying to kill him, or he doesn’t see how it can work out. But then he answers with a practical application of the info we got in the first chunk. So we know that God is our refuge, but we PRACTICALLY LEARN that He is our refuge when we go to Him in the time of trouble!

And then lastly, the psalmist praises God with every ounce of his being! Why? Well, God rescued him! He has learned that God means what he says, and will follow through with His promises. And so, He is worthy of ALL our praise and adoration!

So what I’ve taken out of this is that God deserves all of my attention, and I shouldn’t be so selfish as to give anything else the glory! If there is any victory in my life, it is because of God’s grace and mercy, and HE deserves the praise! 

Also, something that I did for the first chunk of Psalms is just get a piece of paper and write down all of who God says He is. It’s amazing to look at how great God is!

Here are some of my favorite verses: (taken from the NIV)
Psalm 40: 17- “But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; you are my God, do not delay” 
Psalm 50:9- “I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of your saints.” 
Psalm 55: 22- “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.” 
Psalm 56:3- “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.” 
Psalm 57:5/11- “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth” 
Psalm 59:16-17- “But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortess, my refuge in times of trouble. (17) O my Strength, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God.” 
Psalm 62:5- “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.” 
Psalm 65:3- “When we were overwhelmed by sins, you forgave our transgressions.” 
Psalm 90:14- “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” 
Psalm 114:7- “Tremble, earth, at the presence if the Lord, at the presence if the God of Jacob.” 
Psalm 118:8- “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.” 
Psalm 121:2- “My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” 
Psalm 143:8-“ Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, fro I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.”
And these are just some of them. The Psalms are basically a big hymn book with rich text that incorporates everything you’ve learned about God in the OT, and these Psalmists put it to song. Now, we don’t have the tunes, but the part that matters is still here, and the Psalms are great to chew on and to really begin to understand how GREAT our God is! 

What have you learned in your personal Bible reading lately? Leave a comment and share it with us.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Camp Reflections

You're back! And from all accounts, a good time was had by all. 

Last Sunday night we had the teens write a "reflection" about the week with some essay-type questions. The first was: 
1.  Describe your favorite memory from the week.
Many of you mentioned the games, including nine square in the air, and the drives up and back. 
P.S. What IS that thing you guys put on Jeremy's arm in that video on facebook?!

I'm totally down with building one of these!

2. What was your favorite message about?
You guys didn't like this question, because you said the messages were all about the same thing. Some of you mentioned that you liked the theme, John 30:3 "He must increase but I must decrease." Several mentioned that your favorite message was about giving your life fully to Christ. 

3. What did you learn/realize this week?
 In my mind, this was the second most important question. Because, yes, part of the reason you guys go to camp is to have fun and get to know people, and that's great! But ultimately the point of going to camp is to get away from everything and grow under the teaching of some godly speakers, the counselors, or even each other.

Many answers had to do with the sovereignty of God: He has a plan for your life and can use you if you're willing to be used, everything happens in your life because God wants it too, He is in control and His plan is perfect.

4. How will your life be different after this week?
In my mind, this is the most important question. If you learned/realized something awesome or made a decision, what good is it unless it shows in the way you live your life? Is there any point to knowing something, but not doing it? If we are growing Christians, our lives should constantly be transforming to become more and more Christlike. 

Many of you said that while you might not have learned anything "new," you felt encouraged to keep living for the Lord, giving your life fully to Him, sharing your faith, and even growing in maturity and responsibility. 

If you would like accountability or help living out decisions made at camp, don't hesitate to talk to us. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Off To Camp!

Saturday morning, the teens arrived bright and early at our apartment, ready to work. Brian and I packed last minute boxes while Anaheed directed traffic upstairs, and Tammy and Star oversaw the loading of the vehicles. It worked like clockwork. We had the vans/durangos/suburbans loaded in 40 minutes!

It took us 50 minutes to unload everything and rearrange existing furniture at the house, and then we loaded up a second load of furniture, and unloaded it while Brian and Josh went back for some things we'd forgotten about. I guess we forgot a lot, because it didn't all fit in the Durango, so Tammy drove back with a couple guys to help. By 11:30, we were completely out of the apartment and into the house. 

We celebrated with lunch and swimming at the Tetreaux. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures, because moving went so quickly, and in the process I misplaced my camera. 

Speaking of pictures, Star Hill took these of the youth group  before they headed to the Mountains for camp this week. 
Group Picture


Off they go!
Hopefully, I'll get more pictures from the kids when they get back, and a testimony or two. I'm praying that you have a great week of growth!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Help Us Move!

...and we'll feed you!

As some of you may remember, Brian and I are moving this weekend into Rob and Mandy Shaffer's house. They found out Friday that Rob's first job assignment since completing his upper level management training is in Boston, and they needed to fly out of Phoenix Monday night. It was pretty short notice. Brian and I helped them pack and clean, but there's a lot of cleaning that still needs to be done before we can move in.

So, this week Brian and I will be going back and forth between the house and our apartment, and by Saturday, we should be ready to move out of our apartment completely.

We know some of you might be celebrating the 4th that day, but if you can help, we would REALLY appreciate it! Meet us at our apartment at 8 a.m. sharp. We'll provide lunch, and a fun activity (TBD) after we're done. That makes it worth toiling in the sun on a Saturday morning, right?!

Email Brian if you have a vehicle we can use, or if you need our address: bconley7(at)gmail(dot)com.

I hope to see some bright-eyed and bushy tailed teenagers come Saturday morning!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Ugly Result of a Wrong View of God

Last week, Mark Driscoll published a blog post on the Mars Hill Church blog called "Westboro Baptist Church, this false prophet and his blind lemmings welcome you to our whore house for God's grace and free donuts." In this post, Mark explains that the Westboro Baptist Church would be picketing at one of their church campuses on Sunday. While most people only know of the Westboro Baptist Church as those people who protest at military funerals with signs that say "THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS" and "GOD HATES AMERICA," Mark explains some of their theology and "church" structure. It's definitely worth a read.

So, why is one baptist church picketing another? Westboro explains:
“To picket the false prophet and blind lemmings at Mars Hill Whore House where they teach the lies that God love [sic] everyone and Jesus died for the sins of all of mankind. You have caused the people to trust in lies to their destruction, and to your damnation. Shame on you for calling yourself the Mars Hill Church! False advertising doesn’t come close! Paul would turn over in his grave at your God-hating, Christ-rejecting lies! You have a form of godliness, but you deny the power thereof…WBC will speak the truth to you in love—as God defines ‘love’. We will tell you that, in fact, there is a standard God has set in this earth that He commands you obey. Your disobedient sin is taking you to hell, and you must repent and mourn for your sins. God does not love everyone—in fact, He hates the majority of mankind, and has purposed to send them to hell when they die. You would know these things if you would pick up a Bible and actually READ THE WORDS!”
Mark responds:
The whole ”read-the-words” of the Bible thingy is actually pretty good advice. And in reading the Bible, we see that it says everyone is loved by God, and though not everyone is saved, anyone who turns from sin and trusts in Jesus will receive eternal life. Additionally, we know that it’s not God’s hatred that leads people to repentance but instead his kindness (Romans 2:4).
Mark goes on to list several references that illustrate his point, including John 1:291 Tim. 2:3–62 Peter 3:9, and of course, John 3:16–17: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." He mentioned that Jesus said to LOVE our neighbors, and even our enemies. 
Mark concludes by welcoming Westboro in love. He says that ironically, the sermon planed for that Sunday will be about how Jesus saved a bad man named Zacchaeus, and how the self-righteous people were disgusted and "basically, picketing the love of God." He says that if they come, they will receive a copy of  his book, Doctrine, along with smiles, coffee, and donuts.
Mars Hill Blog
So, my question for you is this: how does this happen?! The WBC is fully convinced that their cause is just and Biblical. They honestly believe that they are true Christians, yet they call the gospel a lie. They even quote scripture. They reject fundamental aspects of God's character, claiming that He is a God of hate, when the Bible says that not only is He a God who loves, He IS love itself! 

I think this situation illustrates the danger of picking and choosing scripture to believe, and having a wrong view of who God is.

All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and it's meant to be taken in context. You can get the Bible to say whatever you want it to if you pick and choose verses from random places. Context is king; consider who said it, to whom it was said, and why it was said before you decide how it should be applied. Use tools like a concordance or commentary, and do some research on the Greek for troublesome passages. Read different viewpoints, and ask questions to get clarification. Be careful who you choose to believe. 

Do you really know God personally? I don't mean are you saved, I mean, do you know God's character like you know a friend? To some extent, there are aspects of God that are too infinite and incomprehensible for our human minds, but if we don't know the God revealed in scripture, we're prone to substitute our own ideas for who He is. And whether that's a hateful God or a Santa clause type, anything other than what the scripture reveals is false. And if your view of God is wrong, there will be consequences. 

What are your thoughts on this story? How do you make sure you interpret the Bible correctly? How can you have a right view of who God is?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

VBS is Coming!

Our series on Demolishing Strongholds is over, and now we are in the midst of preparations for vacation Bible School. 

The youth group will be helping during Vacation Bible School in a variety of areas: games, cadet crew leaders, sound effects, and the daily dramas. We've had long meetings and long practices, but the end is in sight! I'm looking forward to seeing all their hard work pay off.